Tuesday, September 18, 2007


There is a VERY IMPORTANT city council meeting on Monday, October 1st, 2007, at which time the city council will vote on the proposed Minden Historic Residential District Ordinance. It is EXTREMELY important that we all make a grand showing in support of this ordinance.

For more information, you may call Bill Green at 377-5004 or Schelley Brown at 423-0192. Please make sure that you have signed both the online and handheld petitions! These are available at Concepts Beauty Salon on Homer Road, and by calling Schelley or Bill.

Please call your city councilman and let them know about your opinion on this matter.

Also, there is a Historic Residential District Meeting tonight, Tuesday, September 18th at 6:30 pm at the home of Billie Jean and Bill Green, 311 East and West Street. Please attend this meeting for more information.

In addition, if you would like a "Help Save Minden's Historic District" sign for your yard, contact Bill Green at 377-5004.

We really appreciate all of your help!


Anonymous said...

I have seen all these signs around the Historic District. In my opinion a drug store would like much nicer there on the corner than 6-10 signs on the corner!

Anonymous said...

We understand that the signs are unsightly, but they are certainly necessary at this time. Political signs are also unattractive but necessary, and we feel that our signs are no more intrusive than political signs. The signs are not permanent, but a Walgreens would be.

Also, remember that our signs are only in the yards of the homeowners against commercial encroachment of our historic residential district.

Schelley Brown

Anonymous said...

They are just the same as the political signs, however I do not see a sea of political signs while driving down Broadway or East and West. I do hope all those home owners enjoy having the freedom now of posting the signs in their yards, for all we know in a year, the sign might not look "historic" or be "out of code in the historic district" therefore it would not be approved by the "Historic Five".

Little Red Hen said...

Sorry, but that post made me giggle a little bit. I'm afraid that the only people that should fear the historic district ordinance and commission are the owners of the corporations trying to rezone our historic RESIDENTIAL district. I don't know who you are because of your "anonymous" postings, but if are really upset about the ordinance you are welcome to call me (Jackie) at 318-382-8979 or Schelley at 318-423-0192. We'll be happy to put your mind at ease and give you a copy of the ordinance.

Oh- I like the sound of the "historic five". With your permission, I'd love to borrow that catchy term. A lot of us in the historic district are really excited about having five commissioners who focus their attention on keeping our neighborhood safe from commercial encroachment! "The Historic Five" has a nice ring to it. :)

Anonymous said...

No Jackie, thats fine, I do not need to call you or Schelley. I have read the ordinance and understand it. I was only being a smarty pants about the signs in the historic district. Use the "historic five" just remember where it came from! Roll on "H5 of M Town"...(Histric Five of Minden)!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people that don’t remember when Park city shopping center was a hill and houses, although in a few months it to will be a ghost town with over half of it becoming abandon property. And just where will China Mart (Wal-Mart) move next?
Or take Downtown in which many organization and personnel have tried to revitalization only to be held up by slacker slum lords that don’t care about this city.

OK-What’s your point; If you have not read the ordinance nor spoken with someone with who knows the ordinance stop and do so or button it. If this is too much to ask simply park you car at one of the “Historical” churches downtown and walk through the Historical District and experience the beauty and charm for yourself, maybe stop in academy park and read the plaque that tell why the name academy.
Then and ONLY then can you make up your own mine not what corporate / money grubbing people wish for you to think.

Help us to not only preserve of History but more importantly our Heritage.

Anonymous said...

Quite a few people would feel a little bit more secure if you would take the time to upload the ordinance. Sure people should probably take the initative to go down and take a look, but not putting it on your web site seems like there's something to hide. I know copies were sent to residents of the District, but y'all are also a part of the entire Minden community, so it's all of our business. I wonder why you don't want it read and why the paper wasn't given an advance copy or the public notice of the Council Workshop wasn't given to the newspaper.

Little Red Hen said...

Hello again, anonymous. I would be happy to put a copy of the ordinance on the blog- but the only copy that I have is on paper. We passed out FREE copies of the ordinance at the Historic Residential District Meeting earlier this week, and we'll be happy to give anyone who would like one a copy.

I'm sorry that you feel that the historic residential district is trying to hide something from you or the community. I really wish you would tell us who you are so that we can speak with you in person. Once again, I would like to offer you a few people to contact about this issue: call Schelley Brown at 318-423-0192, Bill Green at 318-377-5004 or Jackie Lewis at 318-382-8979.

I want to make something very clear. This ordinance is about keeping Minden's Residential Historic District the beautiful, nostalgic, peaceful and RESIDENTIAL district that it is currently. Take a few moments to drive through the historic residential district this weekend and notice the signs that homeowners have placed up in support of this ordinance. We have nothing to hide. If there is one thing that we are, it's united. The signs, the ordinance and the commission are all proof that we take the issue of protecting our historic residential district very seriously.

Many years ago, when my husband and I were still both in the Air Force, we realized that we wanted, NEEDED, a place to call home. Shaun is from Indiana, so we looked at moving to a number of small towns all over the country. When we fell in love with Minden, it wasn't because of the commercial businesses located here. Show me someone who falls in love with a town because it has a Walgreens or any other big-box-discount store and I'll show you someone who needs therapy. That's not to say that the residents of the historic district don't welcome business to our hometown with open arms: we do want them to come here. But we do NOT welcome them open-armed into our HISTORIC RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT.

Americans, as a whole, tend to take things for granted. When we moved to this beautiful little historic town, it was because we could see that it was a safe place to raise our children and spend the rest of our lives. When we were shopping for our home, we knew that it would be THE home for us. Our 1908 beauty has creaky floors, leaky windows and peeling paint. But we overlook these, and many other problems that go along with owning an older home, because we realize that we are our home's guardians. We are charged with protecting the home that generation after generation of Mindenites were raised in, and we consider this both an honor and a priviledge. That we don't take for granted.

You see, in the historic residential district we have something uniquely special. We can take a stroll around the block and stop to chat with our neighbors as they work in their flowerbeds. We can look out our windows on any given Saturday and see brides having their portaits made in Academy Park. There is a reason why people have picnic lunches by The Fitzgerald House, and why the Mardi Gras parade starts at the library, and that reason is not because Webster Parish Citizens treasure commercialization.

If you are sincerely concerned about why we want this ordinance to pass, look at the following websites. They will show you that the rezoning, removal and destruction of our historic districts is a nationwide epidemic. We are very lucky that the residents of our historic district are enlightened enough to keep this from happening in our community, but other towns have not been so lucky.

I do thank you for your support. I know that if you, anonymous, did not care deeply about the subject you would not take the time to post the comments that you have made.

I am also going to post this at the top of our blog for all to read, because I feel that it clear up any questions that any of our blog readers may have.


Jackie Lewis

























