Saturday, September 22, 2007


I feel that it is important at this time to once again post links to other towns that have had problems with commercialization in their historic districts. The ordinance that the city council will vote on October 1st will help us significantly in our fight to keep commercialization out of the historic residential district. This ordinance is about keeping Minden's Residential Historic District the beautiful, nostalgic, peaceful and RESIDENTIAL district that it is currently. Take a few moments to drive through the historic residential district this weekend and notice the signs that homeowners have placed up in support of this ordinance. We have nothing to hide. If there is one thing that we are, it's united. The signs, the ordinance and the commission are all proof that we take the issue of protecting our historic residential district very seriously.

Many years ago, when my husband and I were still both in the Air Force, we realized that we wanted, NEEDED, a place to call home. Shaun is from Indiana, so we looked at moving to a number of small towns all over the country. When we fell in love with Minden, it wasn't because of the commercial businesses located here. Show me someone who falls in love with a town because it has a Walgreens or any other big-box-discount store and I'll show you someone who needs therapy. That's not to say that the residents of the historic district don't welcome business to our hometown with open arms: we do want them to come here. But we do NOT welcome them open-armed into our HISTORIC RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT.

Americans, as a whole, tend to take things for granted. When we moved to this beautiful little historic town, it was because we could see that it was a safe place to raise our children and spend the rest of our lives. When we were shopping for our home, we knew that it would be THE home for us. Our 1908 beauty has creaky floors, leaky windows and peeling paint. But we overlook these, and many other problems that go along with owning an older home, because we realize that we are our home's guardians. We are charged with protecting the home that generation after generation of Mindenites were raised in, and we consider this both an honor and a priviledge. That we don't take for granted.

You see, in the historic residential district we have something uniquely special. We can take a stroll around the block and stop to chat with our neighbors as they work in their flowerbeds. We can look out our windows on any given Saturday and see brides having their portaits made in Academy Park. There is a reason why people have picnic lunches by The Fitzgerald House, and why the Mardi Gras parade starts at the library, and that reason is not because Webster Parish Citizens treasure commercialization.

If you are sincerely concerned about why we want this ordinance to pass, look at the following websites. They will show you that the rezoning, removal and destruction of our historic districts is a nationwide epidemic. We are very lucky that the residents of our historic district are enlightened enough to keep this from happening in our community, but other towns have not been so lucky.

If you would like a copy of the ordinance in advance, please contact city hall or Bill Green at 377-5004.

Thanks so much for all of your support!

Jackie Lewis,0,3462980.story?page=6&?track=sto-relcon


Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't have the concerns. But I know quite a few people who do and find it difficult to believe that in a rather upscale neighborhood no one has access to a scanner.

It may well cause more of a problem that you expect because despite the fact you believe the ordinance effects only the residents of the district, it does limit the potential for future commercial growth in that area.

The implication of that effects all parts of Minden and the individual Council Members, who in some cases I feel have assured "both sides" they will back their position, will have to consider how the residents of their district feel about creating this new organization.

My only concern is that we not have another public blood letting that embarrassed the entire community as the last time CARR called a public meeting. That could have been avoided with a little more effort in reasoning, rather than posturing on BOTH sides.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason for that meeting was that the residents of the Historic District felt that they were being circumvented. If the information hadn't leaked out and caused the mobilization of this group we might already be looking at a Walgreens on that corner. You must admit that was the direction it was proceeding.

Many in this community are adamantly opposed to the commercialization of our Historic District and rightly so. It is the history of Minden. It's what differences us from any other small town.

Having said that, yes, I agree emotions did take over. Some people jumped to conclusions and reacted less than thoughtfully in my opinion. But, sometimes strong reactions are needed to alter a course.